New STS Handbook, including several MUSTS contributions

Just published by MIT Press: The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, 4th ed., edited by Ulrike Felt, Rayvan Fouché, Clark Miller & Laurel Doerr-Smith, has just been published by The MIT Press.


The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies provides a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the field, reviewing current research and major theoretical and methodological approaches in a way that is accessible to both new and established scholars from a range of disciplines. This new edition, sponsored by the Society for Social Studies of Science, is the fourth in a series of volumes that have defined the field of STS. It features 36 chapters, each written for the fourth edition, that capture the state of the art in a rich and rapidly growing field. One especially notable development is the increasing integration of feminist, gender, and postcolonial studies into the body of STS knowledge.

The book covers methods and participatory practices in STS research; mechanisms by which knowledge, people, and societies are coproduced; the design, construction, and use of material devices and infrastructures; the organization and governance of science; and STS and societal challenges including aging, agriculture, security, disasters, environmental justice, and climate change.


The MUSTS group is well represented in this latest edition, having contributed to three different chapters (listed below in the order they appear in the book):

  • Wyatt, S., Milojević, S., Woo Park, H. & Leydesdorff, L., ‘Intellectual and practical contributions of scientometrics to STS’ (pp.87-112)
  • Konrad, K., Lente, H. van, Groves, C. & Selin, C., ‘Performing and governing the future in science and technology’ (pp.465-493)
  • Khandekar, A., Beumer, K., Mamidipudi, A., Sekhsaria, P. & Bijker, W., ‘STS for development’ (pp.665-694)


More details about the book, and how to order (whole volume or individual chapters) can be found on The MIT Press website.