Public and media appearances

Below is selection of (non-academic) publications, lectures and interviews by MUSTS researchers


Woke as science podcast series: Intersectionality – podcast episode with Darian Meacham, 15/11/22

Geschiedenis van het wielrennen in Limburg- Interview met Manuel Stoffers door Ray Simoen / regionale omroep Bie Os naar aanleiding van een lezing over Wielrennen in Limburg 1920-1950, 2/11/22

Interview by Astrid Kersseboom about “Weg van lawaai-app”, Radio 1, Morning Radio, Wednesday, October 5, 2022, – Karin Bijsterveld, 5/10/22

Interview by Hans van Wetering, VPRO-gids, “Stasi praktijken”, September 24, 2022 – Karin Bijsterveld, 24/09/22

Interview by Steven Smit, for Podcast Atlas, NPO1/NTR, September 15, 2022, “De muren hebben oren.” – Karin Bijsterveld, 15/09/22

Data scientist MINDSETS podcast: Does ‘Wokeness’ Threaten Academic Freedom? with Dr. Constance Sommerey & Dr. Darian MeachamDarian Meacham & Constance Sommerey, 29/06/22

Frontiers in Virtual Reality webinar: Getting Real about Ethics in Virtual EnvironmentsDarian Meacham & Dani Shanley, 22/06/22

“Grensoverschrijdend gedrag. ‘Verkrachting’ in de virtuele wereld. ‘De impact van virtuele aanranding kan groot zijn.’” – Katleen Gabriels, 22/06/22

Coal mining in Limburg – Michiel Bron, 21/06/22

De Maand van de Filosofie – Katleen Gabriels, 24/04/22

Terms and Conditions of our future.– Katleen Gabriels, 1/02/22

“Verengelsing van hoër onderwys kom wêreldwyd voor” – Robert Wilkinson & Reinier Gabriels, 22/12/21

Belgian talkshow De Afspraak – Katleen Gabriels, 15/12/21

“Taalbeleid moet ‘verengelsing’ hoger onderwijs kanaliseren” – Robert Wilkinson & Reinier Gabriels, 13/12/21

Interview in Podium voor Bio-ethiek – Katleen Gabriels, 1/12/21

De voormalige soa-poli op de Groenburgwal was ooit een fameus laboratorium – Ernst Homburg, 18/11/21

Het neoliberalisme aan de universiteit heeft de verengelsing versterkt – Robert Wilkinson & Reinier Gabriels, 3/11/21

Expert comment in KIJK Magazine – Katleen Gabriels, 1/11/21

Radio 1, De Wereld Vandaag – Katleen Gabriels, 29/10/21

‘De verengelsing van het onderwijs’ – Robert Wilkinson & Reinier Gabriels, 17/10/21



Filosoof Katleen Gabriels: Je kunt machines geen ethische gedragscode meegeven
Interview with Katleen Gabriels about her new book, Trouw, November 2019.

Digitale opleiding barst uit haar voegen
Interview with Katleen Gabriels about the new BA programme in Digital Society, L1, November 2019.

Lekker meezingen achter het stuur: 100 jaar luisteren
Article about the research of Karin Bijsterveld in De Kampioen, September 2019.

Gif in gebak, snoep, behang en milieu
Interview with Ernst Homburg about his new edited book in NRC, July 2019.

Reizen anno 2019: inpakken, wegwezen en lekker in je eigen bubbel blijven
Interview with Karin Bijsterveld and Marith Dieker in Trouw, July 2019.

Maastricht macht es vor: Klassikmarktforschung im Süden der Niederlande
Article about the symposium of the Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 2019.

Waarom fietsen Zuid-Limburgers minder dan andere Nederlanders?
Interview with Manuel Stoffers in the  ‘Avondshow’ of Radio L1mburg, January 2019.


The future of data in academia

Interview with Sally Wyatt (and Michel Dumontier) surrounding the 42nd Dies Natalis of Maastricht University


Listening to the Sonification Community Listening
Radio broadcast based on a talk by Alexandra Supper in the context of Listening Across Disciplines, Resonance FM, 11 January 2017.


Fietsen was hier ooit populair
Article based on the research of Manuel Stoffers in Dagblad de Limburger, 30 december 2016.

Er is verkeersinformatie…
Interview with Marith Dieker on the radio programme Wetenschap Vandaag , BNR, September 2016.

De metafoor van de quagga
Article by Raf de Bont in De Standaard, January 2016.


Sonic Skills Virtual Exhibition
Website by Karin Bijsterveld, Joeri Bruyninckx, Marith Dieker, Anna Harris, Stefan Krebs, Alexandra Supper & Melissa Van Drie, November 2015.

Sluiting van kolencentrales
Harro van Lente interviewed on the local radio station L1, November 2015.

Klimaatproblemen groter dan gedacht
Harro van Lente interviewed in the programme AvondGasten on local TV station L1, November 2015.

An Englishman in New York
Column by Raf de Bont in Science Palooza

Spanningen tussen inheemsen en natuurbeschermers
Interview with Raf de Bont in the series Wetenschap op Woensdag on radio R1, September 2015.

Waarom u van Cecil de leeuw hield
Article by Raf de Bont on

Lezen: De laatste Eland
Article by Manuel Stoffers in Ligfiets& 31(3).p. 40-401, July 2015.

Virguna: Concession Politics
Blog post by Raf de Bont on Shells & Pebbles, June 2015.

Lezen: ‘Alles wat in een doorsnee fietsblad staat, is onjuist’
Article by Manuel Stoffers in Ligfiets& 31(2).p. 56-561, April 2015.

Lezen: Ligfietsen in Islamabad
Article by Manuel Stoffers in Ligfiets& 31(1).p. 40-412, February 2015.

De dood is ook maar een ziekte
Radio feature including an interview with Tsjalling Swierstra in the radio series Radiodoc, Radio 1, March 2015.

Een heerlijke nieuwe wereld. Innoveren in de gezondheidszorg
Article by Maarten Verkerk in Sophie.p. 46-50, January 2015.

L1-verslaggever legt haar oor te luisteren bij Sonic Science Festival
Karin Bijsterveld, Joeri Bruyninckx and Alexandra Supper interviewed on the local radio station L1, January 2015.


Planet of the Apes’-kruising tussen mens en dier; vuil of prima?
Article by Koen Beumer in, August 2014.

Het is de wetenschap die de burger wantrouwt.
Article by Koen Beumer in, May 2014.

Printen met water
Article by Koen Beumer in De Groene Amsterdammer, April 2014, 138(15).

Gevolgen windmolenparken goed in de gaten houden.
Article by Koen Beumer in, February 2014.

Zieke ratten na-apen.
Article by Koen Beumer in De Groene Amsterdammer, February 2014, 138(6).

“De geboorte van het lab”
Article by Simon Rozendaal, involving Ernst Homburg.
Published in Elsevier, 24 March 2014. Download here.

“We are all knowledge workers”
Interview with Wiebe Bijker by Joris Tielens.
Published in Vice Versa, 2014, vol. 2. Download here.

“Controversies Online: Selling Genetic Tests direct to Consumers”
Seminar by Sally Wyatt.
Location: Institute for the Study of Science, Technology & Innovation at the University of Edinburgh, January 2014.


“Waarom de Wetenschap niet werkt zoals het moet, en wat daar aan te doen is”
Dijstelbloem, H., Huisman, F.G., Miedema, F. & Mijnhardt, W. (Science in Transition). Utrecht: Descartes Center/KNAW, 2013.

“Overview of Online Privacy, Reputation, Trust, and Identity Mechanisms”
Publication by S. Passi & S. Wyatt, Network of Excellence in Internet Science, 2013.

“Van Oude Bieb naar Nieuwe Bieb: het Lot van de Collecties van het Centre Ceramique”
Report by B. Pasveer, for Centre Ceramique, Maastricht, 2013.

“Meer samen, meer viltstift. Over toekomst cultuurbeleid in Limburg”
Article by Rein de Wilde, Limburgs Dagblad, 30 December 2013.

“Atheïst Van den Berg is niet radicaal genoeg”
Article by M. Verkerk in Nederlands Dagblad, 20 December 2013.

“Creëer machtsbalans in zorgsector”
Article by G. Spijkers and M. Verkerk, in Reformatorisch Dagblad, 17 December 2013.

“Zorgverzekeraars moeten weer echte Coöperatie worden”
Article by G. Spijkers and M. Verkerk, in Christelijk Weekblad, 6 December 2013.

“Een oor aannaaien”
Article by Koen Beumer in De Groene Amsterdammer, 6 November 2013.

“An ‘Indian Summer’: Corruption, Class, and the Lokpal Protests.”
Invited talk by Aalok Khandekar at Eindhoven Center for Innovation Studies (TU/Eindhoven, NL), November 2013.

“It is not an issue of whether science is right or wrong, but of why it is credited with so much importance”
Interview with Geert Somsen (by Ievgen Bilyk), The Diplomat, 23 October 2013.

“Projections of international nature”
Film Series, organized by Raf de Bont, in cooperation with Hans Schouwenburg and Simone Schleper.
Location: Natural History Museum, Maastricht, September – October 2013.

“Voor echte innovatie moet je in ontwikkelingslanden zijn”
Contribution by Koen Beumer to, 20 September 2013.

“Leeuwarden wint op kwaliteit”
Article by Rein de Wilde, Limburgs Dagblad, 11 September 2013.

“De tragiek van het E-nummer”
Contribution by Dirk Haen to Foodlog, 3 September 2013.

“Nanotechologie in Zimbabwe”
Article by Koen Beumer, De Groene Amsterdammer, 21 August 2013.

Interview with Dirk Haen on Dutch Science Program “Hoe?Zo!” (NTR Radio), 15 August 2013.
Available online at: Wetenschap 24.

“Plan Cordaid is Onzinning: De Echte Oorzaak van Armoede is falend Overheidsbeleid.”
Article by René Gabriëls in De Volkskrant, 30 July 2013.

“Follow Dutch model”
Letter to the Editor by Anna Harris, in The Age (Australian newspaper), 27 July 2013.

“‘Ecuador bombardeert eilanden met gif: Van de ratten besnuffeld!'”
Contribution by Koen Beumer to, 19 July 2013.

“Pneumatic tube systems”
Interview with Anna Harris for New Scientist (15 July 2013) about her work on pneumatic tube systems.
Comments appeared in online (13 August 2013).

“Selling genetic tests online”
High school workshop with A-level biology students, co-organized by Anna Harris (The King’s School, Ottery St Mary, UK), 17 June 2013.

“Turning the spotlight on excellence”
Interview with Karin Bijsterveld, Madelon Peters & Jenny Slatman about their selection for By Jolien Linssen. Appeared in Maastricht University Magazine, June 2013, pp. 14-16.

“Discourse and the sounds of the city”
Public talk by Annelies Jacobs at the Symposium ‘Sounds of historical Amsterdam’, 24 May 2013 in Amsterdam.

“De wetenschapper als activist”
Kick-off of ‘Macademics: Podium voor Ongehoord Wetenschap‘ by Raf de Bont.
Location: Felix Meritis, European Center for Arts, Culture and Science, Amsterdam 22 May 2013.

“An ‘Indian Summer’: Corruption, Class, and the Lokpal Protests.”
Invited talk by Aalok Khandekar at Center for South Asian Studies (Leiden University, NL), May 2013.

Interview of Karin Bijsterveld by Theodor Holman
OBA Live, Radio 5, 15 May 2013.

“Mental illness on film: Stigma and ‘The Soloist'”
Free public film screening and discussion, co-organized by Anna Harris, Royal Albert Memorial Museum (Exeter, UK), 10 May 2013.

“Paradigms of urban greening”
Key note lecture by Jens Lachmund at ‘Groen Conferentie’, Gemeente Maastricht, 17 April 2013.

“De geluiden van de stad”
Interview with Karin Bijsterveld by Jelena Barisic for Trouw, 4 April 2013, p. 13.

“Het geluid van de Dam”
Radio interview with Annelies Jacobs and Annemarie de Wildt, for ‘OVT’ (VPRO), 31 March 2013.
To listen to this broadcast, click here.

“Hoe klonk Amsterdam in 1895?”
Interview with Karin Bijsterveld by Jeroen Geertz, Dagblad De Limburger, 27 March 2013, p. B12.

“Het geluid van Amsterdam”
Radio interview with Annelies Jacobs and A. Traa, for ‘Met het oog op morgen’ (NOS), 26 March 2013.

“Amsterdamse geluiden”
Radio interview with Annelies Jacobs and Annemarie de Wildt, for ‘Spijkers met Koppen’ (VARA), 23 March 2013.
To listen to this broadcast, click here.

“Het knerpende geluid van de paardentram”
Interview with Karin Bijsterveld by Warna Oosterbaan, for NRC Wetenschapsbijlage, 23-24 March, 2013, pp. 8-9.

“Bedreigd: Wetenschappelijke genieën”
Contribution by Koen Beumer to, 19 March 2013.

Installation ‘Soundscapes Amsterdam‘ (March 28 – December 28, Amsterdam Museum)Amsterdam Breitner

The interactive sound installation is the result of a joint effort of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Maastricht University, the Amsterdam Museum and the American acoustic consultancy firm HMMH. FASoS Professor Karin Bijsterveld played an important role in the initiation and development of this unique installation. The installation is in fact an outcome of the NWO funded research project Soundscapes of the Urban Past: Staged Sound as Mediated Cultural Heritage. PhD candidate Annelies Jacobs who is involved in this project, has done historic research on sounds in Amsterdam which served as input for the installation. Dr. Alexandra Supper has been a key person in coordinating the contacts between HMMH, the Amsterdam Museum, sound recordist Arnoud Traa, and the many museums, actors, students and others involved in this project.

For more information on the installation (in Dutch) click here.
For an English article on the installation click here

“Risk policy in Europe”
Lecture by Frederic Bouder, The Hague (January 30).

“We zijn juist wel decennia trots geweest op Nederland”
Article by Geert Somsen, NRC Handelsblad, 10 January 2013.

“Is er leven na de dood?”
Contribution by Koen Beumer to De Groene Amsterdammer, 137 (12).

“Een ecosysteem op plastic”
Contribution by Koen Bumer to De Groene Amsterdammer, 137 (5).


“Hoe heeft wetenschap de wereld modern gemaakt?”
Lecture given Geert Somsen at: Cultuurhistorisch Seminar, Utrecht University (November 26).

“De nanopil: niet alles geloven wat de video laat zien”
Lecture given by Tsjalling Swierstra at: Café Scientific, Amsterdam: Shaking Science Month, Amsterdam (November 26).

“Nanotechnologie is niet hét antwoord in de strijd tegen armoede”
Article by Koen Beumer, (November 23).

“Debat tussen Kuyper en Bavinck over scheppingsorde relevant voor SGP.”
Article by Maarten Verkerk, Reformatorisch Dagblad (November 10).

“Veranderingen in de relatie tussen de chemische en farmaceutische industrie, 1960-2010: Het voorbeeld van Solvay”
Lecture given Ernst Homburg at: 31st Farmacie-Historische Dag, Arnhem (November 01).

“Mediating the Good Life”
Lecture given by Tsjalling Swierstra at: Biannual Conference of the Soc for Nano and Emerging Technologies, Enschede (October 24).

Article by Koen Beumer, De Groene Amsterdammer (October 17).

“What is happiness?”
Lecture given by Maarten Verkerk at CSG Noordik, Autumn project, Almelo (October 15).

“Onderweg in het Heuvelland”
Lecture given Peter Peters at: Leergang ‘Van Kennis naar Kabinetsbeleid’, Rotterdam (October 13).

“Filosofie van technologie: Wat zou Heidegger zeggen over de IPhone 5?”
Lecture given by Ties van de Werff at: Discovery Festival, Eindhoven (September 28).

“Accepting responsibility for Moral Ambiguity in Innovation”
Lecture given by Tsjallig Swierstra at: Conference Neurovation, Eindhoven, Philips (September 16).

“Fietsland of wielerland?”
Interview with Manuel Stoffers by ‘Dagblad de Limburger’ (September 20).

“Merkwaardig fenomeen: fietsende mens”
Interview with Manuel Stoffers by ‘Maastricht moet je horen’ (September 20).
Download available here.

“Every day biking versus cycle racing”
Interview with Manuel Stoffers by ‘Maastricht University Webmagazine‘ (September 18).

“Echo’s van de Stad. Luisteren naar film en geschiedenis”
Lecture given by Jasper Aalbers for Wetenschapssalon Pesthuys Podium, Maastricht (September 07).

“Vulnerable cities? How cities cope with disaster by constructing narratives of resilience”
Lecture given by Anique Hommels at PhD Course, Lyngby (August 08).

“We need an old ethics of technology, just not the current one”
Lecture given by Tsjalling Swierstra at: International Nano ethics seminar, University of Sassari, Italy, Alghero, Italy (August 07).

“En zo komt het dus dat coauteurs zich laten verrassen door frauderende wetenschappers”
Article by Koen Beumer, published on (August 03).

“Virtual knowledge – emerging possibilities for the humanities and the social sciences”
Invited lecture by Sally Wyatt at STS and Social Media Conference, York University, York, UK (July).

“The taste of moral change”
Presentation by Dirk Haen at Imaging Technology Moral Change, EPET Maastricht (July 2).

‘The Warfare of Humanity with Unreason’: Science and Diplomacy in the Work of Andrew Dickson White (1832-1918)”
Lecture given by Geert Somsen at Department of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden (June 12).

“Art as Technology. Technology as Art”
Lecture given by Tsjalling Swierstra at Conference Experimental Crossings, Maastricht (June 11).

“‘The Political Religion of Post-War Europe: British Scientists’ Campaigns for Planning, 1931-1945”
Lecture given by Geert Somsen at: Seminar Historical Institute, Stockholm University (May 31).


“Burgers staan in zorg buitenspel.”
Article by Maarten Verkerk and G. van Dijk, Financieel Dagblad, (May 07).

“Geluidssystemen in een Technologische Cultuur”
Lecture given by Ties van der Werff at: Studie-/themadag geluid ‘Hoor je wat je ziet?’, Vereniging van Podium Technici (May 07).

“Science and Democracy: the Birth of a Liaison in British Second World War Propaganda”
Lecture given by Geert Somsen at: Seminar School of Humanities, Södrtörn University, Stockholm (May 05).

“The soft impacts of the Google Power Meter”
Lecture given by Tsjalling Swierstra at: Research Colloquium, Institute of Philosophy at RWTH Aachen University (May 02).

“Soft impacts van de griepvaccinatie”
Lecture given by Tsjalling Swierstra at ‘Gezondheidsraad debat over zin en onzin van de griepvaccinatie’, Utrecht (June 06).

“Kunst en landschap”
Lecture given by Peter Peters at: Seminar Grey Roots in het Amsterdamse Bos, Amsterdam (April 26).

“Heracliteïsche ethiek”
Lecture given by Tsjalling Swierstra at: colloquium capgroep Praktische Filosofie, Universiteit van Amsterdam (April 25).

“Planning for a Better World: British Scientists? Wartime Discourse on a Postwar Planned Society”
Lecture given by Geert Somsen at: European Social Science History Conference, University of Glasgow (April 13).

An ‘Indian Summer’: Lokpal and the Framing of Accountability
Lecture given by Aalokh Khandekar at: Seminar Series, Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Edinburgh (April 04).

“Medical ethics”
Lecture given by Maarten Verkerk at: Students Association Ichthus, Eindhoven (February 29).

“Phonograph Theaters (USA/France): how can we talk about cultural transfer?” (in French)
Lecture given by Melissa van Drie & M.M. Mervant-Roux at National Institute for the History of Art, Paris (February 22).

“Follow the practice: an analysis of the texture of safe collaborative action in complex care situations”
Lecture given by Jessica Mesman at Seminar for Egenis: ESRC Center for Genomics in Society – University of Exeter (February 14).

“Wirklich laut wurde es durch Autos”
Interview with Karin Bijsterveld for Grenz Echo Magazine (February 10).

“Governance, and the challenge of `soft impacts'”
Lecture given by Tsjalling Swierstra at Ethics and Governance of Science and Technology Conference, Maastricht (February 02).

“East meets West”
Lecture given by Graham Evans at: Digital Shoreditch Festival Summit, London (January 16).

“Zijn wetenschappers helden?”
Article by Koen Beumer, Science Palooza (January 15).

“The Return of the Dodo. Ancient Myth, Modern Technology”
Lecture given by Tjsalling Swierstra at: Workshop Myth, Narrative and Ancient Wisdoms, Durham University (January 09).

“Selling psychiatric genetic tests online”
Lecture given by Sally Wyatt at Invited Departmental presentation, Department of Communication and Culture, University of Calgary (January).



“Questioning the scientist’s story”
Interview with Wiebe Bijker by ‘The New Indian Express’ (November 21).
Sekhsaria, P.  The New Indian Express.

“None said ‘There are risks, so let’s stop it'”
Interview with Wiebe Bijker by ‘The Hindu’ about his work on the societal dialogue on nanotechnologies in the Netherlands.
Prasad, R.


“Letters defend Nobel laureate against Nazi charges”
Interview with Ernst Homburg in ‘Nature‘ (online, December 09)

“Nanotechnologie: willen we dat wel?”
Interview with Tsjalling Swierstra for ‘Nederland Wereldomroep’ (August 16)


“Ethiek in zaken”
Interview with Maarten Verkerk in ‘Katholiek Nieuwsblad’ (December 11)

“Soundscapes of the urban past”
Interview with Annelies Jacobs & Jasper Aalbers in ‘De Avonden’ (VPRO-radio, November 10)

Interview with Harry Oosterhuis for ‘VPRO-Radio’ (24-02-2009)
Topic: The history of psychiatry in the Netherlands. Download at VPRO Wetenschap24.

“Politics of science”
Interview with Geert Somson for ‘Frontline’ (Indian national weekly magazine, October 23).

“Een symfonie van stadslawaai”
Interview with Karin Bijsterveld in ‘NRC’ and ‘NRC-Next’ (March 24).