Bio-objects and their boundaries: Governing matters at the intersection of society, politics, and science

Europe seeks to become the most dynamic knowledge-based economy of the globe. The production and circulation of bio-objects, such as stem cells, chimera, tissue samples or genetically modified organisms, play a key part in this endeavour. This project seeks to develop novel interdisciplinary tools in order to enhance our understanding of bio-objects, their production and circulation in time and in space, and their governance. The core questions answered through this COST Action are:

  • how are the boundaries between human and animal, organic and non-organic, living and the non-living opened up?
  • how do bio-objects change social relations?
  • how does the public-private interface shape the making of bio-objects?
  • how does the governance of bio-objects perform at different levels, from the level of the European Union and its Member States to the sub-political level, and finally in clinics and laboratories?

Research partner from Maastricht-STS: Dr. Ragna Zeiss
For more information: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EU-COST) Action

Bio-objects and their boundaries” runs from 2010 to 2014.