Below you can find an overview of recent PhD dissertations completed in the MUSTS research programme at Maastricht University.
Franciscus Mineur (2022)
Er midden in. Theater en kritiek in een belevingscultuur.
Supervisors: Tsjalling Swierstra, Peter Peters, Ruth Benschop
Danielle Shanley (2022)
Making Responsibility Matter. The emergence of responsible innovation as an intellectual movement
Supervisors: Cyrus Mody, Darryl Cressman
Mareike Smolka (2022)
Ethics in Action: Multi-Sited Engaged Ethnography on Valuation Work in Contemplative Science.
Supervisors: Cyrus Mody, Cornelius Borck, Darian Meacham.
Veerle Spronck (2022)
Listen closely: Innovating audience participation in symphonic music.
Supervisors: Peter Peters and Ruth Benschop
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Zahar Koretsky (2022)
Unravelling: The dynamics of technological decline.
Supervisors: Harro van Lente and Ragna Zeiss
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Federico Ferretti (2022)
“Do-It-Yourself Science and the Transformations in Science” in collaboration with the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
Supervisors: Harro van Lente and Angela Pereira Guimaraes.
Willemine Willems (2021)
Connected at the joints: Calibrating knowledge, morals and health care.
Supervisors: Tsjalling Swierstra, Jessica Mesman, P. Vergauwen.
Henk Vermande (2021)
The chemist: The history of a vanished occupational group, 1600-1820.
Supervisors: Ernst Homburg.
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Kathleen Gregory (2021)
Findable and reusable? Data discovery practices in research.
Supervisors: Sally Wyatt, P. Groth, A. Scharnhorst.
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Michiel van Well (2021)
Religie in een technologische cultuur: over de rol van het sacrale in de ontwikkeling van het gezondheidsportaal PAZIO.
Supervisors: Wiebe Bijker, Maarten Verkerk.
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Tessa Cramer (2020)
Becoming Futurists: Reluctant professionals searching for common ground.
Supervisors: Marjolein van Asselt, Harro van Lente,
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Verena Anker (2020)
Creating dance with bytes and pixels: technologies as mediators in digital performance rehearsals.
Supervisors: Renee van de Vall, Karel Vanhaesebrouck, Jessica Mesman.
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Anna Bon (2020)
Intervention or Collaboration? Redesigning information and communication technologies for development.
Supervisors: Sally Wyatt, H. Akkermans
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Tineke van der Schoor (2020)
Strategies for Energy Reconfigurations: Obduracy, values and scripts.
Supervisors: Harro van Lente, Alexander Peine
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Marith Dieker (2020)
Talking You Through: The Shifting Socio-Technical Practices of Radio Traffic News, 1950s-now.
Supervisors: Karin Bijsterveld, Wiebe Bijker
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Linnea Semmerling (2020)
Listening on display: exhibiting sounding artworks 1960s-now
Supervisors: Karin Bijsterveld and Peter Peters
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Claudia Egher (2019)
Mental Health Online: The enactment of expertise on Bipolar disorder on American and French online platforms
Supervisors: Sally Wyatt and Tamar Sharon
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Jorijn van Duijn (2019)
Fortunes of High-Tech: A history of innovation at ASM International, 1958-2008
Supervisors: Harro van Lente and D. van Delft
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Andreas Mitzschke (2018)
Elusive Publics: Understanding Techno-Scientific Controversy and Democratic Governance in the GM Crops Debate
Supervisors: Wiebe Bijker and Anique Hommels
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Thomas Mougey (2018)
Enlightening the dark zone: UNESCO, Science and the Technocratic Reordering of the World in the Global South, 1937-1959
Supervisors: Wiebe Bijker, Geert Somsen and Raf de Bont
More information.
Noortje Jacobs (2018)
Ethics by committee: governing human experimentation in the Netherlands, 1945-2000
Supervisors: Frank Huisman and Tsjalling Swierstra
Ties van de Werff (2018)
Practicing the plastic brain: popular neuroscience and the good life
Supervisors: Tsjalling Swierstra and Heleen Pott
Bart Zwegers (2018)
Heritage in transition: global and local challenges in Germany and the United Kingdom, 1970-2010
Supervisors: Ernst Homburg and Jo Wachelder
Hans Schouwenburg (2017)
Strategies to save the earth: nature conservation experts and sustainable development, 1980-2000
Supervisors: Ernst Homburg and Raf de Bont
Simone Schleper (2017)
Life on Earth: Controversies on the science and politics of global nature conservation, 1960 – 1980
Supervisors: Ernst Homburg and Raf de Bont
Bart van Oost (2016)
Our climate, our underground: understanding the slow implementation of carbon capture and storage
Supervisors: Wiebe Bijker and Anique Hommels
Koen Beumer (2016)
Nanotechnology and development: styles of governance in India, South Africa, and Kenya
Supervisors: Wiebe Bijker and Aalok Khandekar
Dirk Haen (2015)
The politics of good food : why food engineers and citizen-consumers are talking at cross-purposes
Supervisors: Tsjalling Swierstra and Sjaak Koenis
Marijke Hermans (2015)
Engaging with risks : citizens, science and policy in mobile phone mast siting controversies
Supervisors: Marjolein van Asselt and Wim Passchier
Fabian de Kloe (2014)
Constructing worlds with words : science and international language in the early twentieth century
Supervisors: Wiebe Bijker, Nico Randeraad and Geert Somsen
Jess Bier (2014)
Mapping Israel, mapping Palestine : how segregated landscapes shape scientific knowledge
Supervisors: Sally Wyatt and Bas van Heur
Annelies Jacobs (2014)
Het geluid van gisteren : waarom Amsterdam vroeger ook niet stil was
Supervisors: Karin Bijsterveld and Andreas Fickers
Jasper Aalbers (2013)
Echoes of the city : staging the urban soundscape in fiction film
Supervisors: Karin Bijsterveld and Andreas Fickers
Joeri Bruyninckx (2013)
Sound science: recording and listening in the biology of bird song, 1880-1980
Supervisors: Karin Bijsterveld and Jo Wachelder
Matthijs Kouw (2012)
Pragmatic constructions: simulation and the vulnerability of technological cultures
Supervisors: Wiebe Bijker and Sally Wyatt
Johanna Höffken (2012)
Power to the people? Civic engagement with small-scale hydroelectric plants in India
Supervisors: Wiebe Bijker and Thomas Conzelmann
Alexandra Supper (2012)
Lobbying for the ear: the public fascination with and academic legitimacy of the sonification of scientific data
Supervisors: Karin Bijsterveld and Jo Wachelder
Julia Quartz (2011)
Constructing Agrarian Alternatives: how a creative dissent project engages with the vulnerable livelihood of marginal farmers in South India
Supervisors: Wiebe Bijker and Anique Hommels
Niki Vermeulen (2009)
Supersizing science: on building large-scale research projects in biology
Supervisors: Wiebe Bijker and Rein de Wilde