Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC)
WTMC is a collective effort of Dutch scholars studying the development of science, technology and modern culture. The history, sociology and philosophy of science and technology (short: STS) form the core of its work, but there are also strong inputs from cultural studies and innovation studies. The School aims to stimulate and coordinate high quality research in the field of STS; provide high quality advanced training for PhD candidates in STS, and thus to create new generations of scholars with a solid background in this field; and enhance the societal significance and visibility of STS.
Austrian Association for Science and Technology Studies (STS Austria)
STS Austria is the Austrian Association for Science and Technology Studies, a scholarly field dedicated to the analysis of the complex and multi-layered interactions of science, technology, and society. Established in 2015, STS Austria represents academics and researchers active in this field in Austria. The organisation brings together a variety of disciplines, and its members are based in a range of research institutions.
Belgian Science, Technology and Society Group (B.STS)
The BSTS is a scientific research network financed by the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders. The research community coordinates and stimulates national and international cooperation in STS and sociological research. The BSTS network consists of young STS scholars based in Flanders/Belgium and links up with international scholars and institutes. Since 2010, postdoctoral researchers from the universities of Antwerp, Ghent, Leuven, Brussels, and Liège regularly convene to discuss STS topics and exchange research findings.
Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies
DASTS is a professional association for STS in Denmark which aims to stimulate the quality, breadth and cooperation within the Danish STS research and to raise its profile in national and international contexts.
Italian Society for Science and Technology Studies
STS Italia was founded in 2005 to build up an Italian network of researchers oriented to study Science and Technology starting from the social dynamics which characterize and interweave science and technology themselves.