The new edited volume, published by Palgrave, will be presented in an AMC/MUSTS Colloquium on Wednesday, March 4, 15:30-17:30 in the Spiegelzaal
Editors-meet-critics at a combined AMC/MUSTS colloquium
Wednesday, March 4, 15:30-17:30 in the Spiegelzaal (Grote Gracht 80-82)
Oddgeir Synnes and Bernike Pasveer (editors)
Anna Harris and Aagje Swinnen (referents)
Ways of Home Making in Care for Later Life is a book co-edited by Bernike Pasveer, Oddgeir Synnes and Ingunn Moser (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). In 14 chapters written by a total of 23 authors, we engage with home as part of the plight and the desire to age at home or in homely instituties, in particular when new modes of care come to enter lives.
Whereas the care-part of the equation has been studied extensively, what home means and is and how it is done, seems to have been taken for granted, largely: as a noun, a stable geographical place fit for belonging. In this book we take issue with this notion of home as a noun. We forward home as a verb, as a quality that may emerge from the manifold and heterogeneous ways in which people go about imagining and arranging life when growing old, becoming fragile, and dying. In doing that, we aspire to provide leeway to those who study and practice care: home – the quality of ‘falling in place’ – is temporal, partial, not lasting, not encompassing, experimental and not fixed; and thus alway open to new popssibilities of making careful arrangements.
During the colloquium, Bernike and Oddgeir will shortly present the book. After that, Anna and Aagje will review the book, to be followed by a broader conversation.
Short biographies:
Bernike Pasveer is assistant professor at FASoS. Her work focuses on the analysis of socio-cultural, technological and biomedical specificities of handling the human body’s so-called natural achievements, such as becoming pregnant, giving birth, being talented, dying, and eating. Her new research project focuses on mundane practice of food, refuge, and belonging.
Oddgeir Synnes is associate professor at VID Specialized University in Oslo. His main research interests lie in the fields of health humanities, narrative medicine and existential care. For several years, Synnes has worked on and in projects on the use of creative writing and storytelling in palliative care, care for older people, dementia care and among young adults living with psychosis.
Bernike Pasveer, Oddgeir Synnes and Ingunn Moser (eds.) (2020). Ways of Home Making in Care for Later Life. Palgrave Macmillan Series Health, Technology and Society.
For more information, see Palgrave website.