New book, media appearances and book presentations by Katleen Gabriels

VUBPress has recently published the new book Regels voor robots: Ethiek in tijden van AI by MUSTS researcher Katleen Gabriels.

The book will be launched on Monday 25 November at 19.30 in Brussels (Bozar). For more information concerning the programme (in Dutch) and registration, see here. There will also be a book presentation (in Dutch) in Maastricht, in boekhandel Dominicanen, on Sunday 8 December at 17.00.

In ‘Regels voor Robots’, Katleen Gabriëls discusses the ethical issues involved in the development of digital techniques. Though robots will not start acting independently anytime soon, we must keep in mind real ethical implications of digitalisation. What decisions do we delegate to machines? ‘Whom’ do these machines learn from in the first place? These and many more ethical questions must be asked before and during the design process. This book is thus a plea for ethical rules for robots and AI systems, but also for engineers and other developers.

The English version will be published early 2020.

For more information about the book, see the website of VUB Press, or the interview that Katleen recently gave (in Dutch) to the newspaper Trouw.
Katleen was also recently interviewed about the BA programme in Digital Society on L1.