Publics, Politics, and Technoscience in Contemporary Indian Contexts

This research project is organized around the question: What is the place of technoscience in ongoing re-articulations of culture, state, and society in contemporary India? Sub-questions orienting the inquiry include:

  • What models of innovation, public participation, and democratic governance are available and being implemented in techno-scientific decision-making?
  • What (new) axes of inclusion and exclusion are evident in these processes?
  • How does the rise of consumerism implicate techno-scientific decision making?
  • How can an Indo-Dutch collaboration contribute to insights across these distinct political cultures?


Main researchers:

Dr. Aalok Khandekar and Wiebe E. Bijker.

In collaboration with Shiv Visvanathan (Jindal School of Government and Public Policy, O. P. Jindal Global University, India)

For more information, see the (external) project page.