Mareike Smolka

Mareike Smolka studied sociology and philosophy at University College Maastricht in the Netherlands (2012-2015). She included a semester of studying fine arts and philosophy at the Pontifica Universidad Católica in Santiago de Chile in her Bachelor’s degree. Afterwards, she specialized in Science and Technology Studies in the Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology (CAST) research master program (2015-2017) at University Maastricht which entailed a research internship at the Center for Literary and Cultural Research Berlin. Since her studies, Mareike has been a scholarship holder of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes), which also funds her PhD project. In addition, her project has been awarded with scholarships from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of University Maastricht and from the Center for Cultural Research Lübeck. She is an affiliated PhD candidate of the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science Studies of the University Lübeck (IMGWF). Next to her PhD research, Mareike has been working as a teaching fellow at University College Maastricht since 2018.



Promoter: Prof. Dr. Cyrus Mody, UM, Netherlands

Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Cornelius Borck, IMGWF, Germany

Third supervisor: Dr. Darian Meacham, UM, Netherlands

