Willemine Willems defends her PhD dissertation ‘Connected at the joints’


On Friday 10 September, former MUSTS member Willemine Willems defends her PhD dissertation “Connected at the joints. Calibrating knowledge, morals and health care”.

You are cordially invited to follow the ceremony online.

Connected at the joints

In the dissertation, Willemine traces the daily work conducted by health care professionals and patients involved in the innovation to attune moral and knowledge differences. By building on these traces of care work, she argues that foregrounding how care delivery and management is done there and then, is an essential part of the fruitful assessment of care innovation.

Her supervisors are Prof. Tsjalling Swierstra, Dr. Jessica Mesman and Prof. Philip Vergauwen (ULB).

You can read an interview (in Dutch) with Willemine about her PhD research here.